Schmidt's Wallabies suffer triple blow ahead of Bok rematch

UPDATE: The Wallabies will reportedly be without more players when they face the Springboks in Perth in Round Two of the Rugby Championship next weekend.

The teams met in Brisbane in Round One on Saturday with South Africa coming out on top with a comprehensive 33-7 win.

Australia's casualty list grew after that outing with wing Filipo Daugunu suffering a fractured fibula. He is expected to miss the remainder of the tournament.

The Wallabies are also set to be without locks Nick Frost and Jeremy Williams (both concussion).

The story continues below...

The report revealed that Schmidt has called up Reds recruit Josh Canham.

Western Force forwards Tom Robertson and Sam Carter will also join the squad.

The Wallabies were without powerhouse prop Taniela Tupou for that Round One clash

His father passed away recently and on Sunday the Wallabies confirmed that he is on his way to Tonga for the funeral.

However, the door remains open for him to return to the squad ahead of that second Test.

With Daugunu out of action, the Wallabies are set to have Marika Koroibete on the left wing against the Springboks in Perth.

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