VIDEO: Robertson's honest assessment of All Blacks' Bledisloe Cup win

REACTION: New Zealand head coach Scott Robertson praised Australia's "grit" and lamented how his side let slip a commanding lead in their 31-28 Bledisloe Cup win in Sydney.

After racing out to a 21-0 lead inside 15 minutes on Saturday, New Zealand had to withstand a fierce Australian fightback to retain the prized piece of silverware.

But a win was a win, said Robertson, with the All Blacks back on the right track after two Rugby Championship defeats against South Africa.

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"We found a way to win, I'm really pleased," he said.

"We're getting good experience to win these tight games.

"They showed a lot of grit, it just shows how much any Aussie team you play, they just won't go away," he added.

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All Black captain Scott Barrett agreed with his coach's assessment of the game.

"It's a bit of a relief, to be honest," said Scott Barrett.

"In the last 15 [minutes], we found ourselves in a bit of a hole, but we hung on with a bit of scrambled defence and managed to hang on.

"It's the nature of the Aussies, they certainly don't lie down."

The teams meet again in Wellington next weekend.

Sources: AFP & AAP

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