'Boks are 100 percent the best'

'Boks are 100 percent the best'

SPOTLIGHT: After winning another Six Nations championship, Ireland head coach Andy Farrell is now turning his attention firmly on winning a Test series in South Africa.

Ireland clinched this year's Six Nations title with a 17-13 win over Scotland in Dublin with their only defeat coming against England at Twickenham in Round Four.

Ireland's stars will return to their provinces for the remainder of the European season before regrouping for trips to Pretoria and Durban in July.

"Yeah, it doesn't get any more difficult or any more exciting than that," said Farrell on his team's two-Test series against the Springboks.

"All you want is an opportunity to put yourself out there against the best and South Africa are 100 percent the best.

"We’ve managed to win one game over there before, so being able to play two games and test ourselves will be great for our development going forward."

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Farrell is eager for his team to raise the bar once again after their latest title and hoping that will happen in South Africa,

“To be consistently at your best is probably impossible but that is what we’re going after," said the Englishman.

"But when class players drop out of the squad, it’s always going to take time to build back up and if you can do that winning, or learning from the experiences like at Twickenham or whatever, then that’s all well and good.

“But the reality is that there’s plenty more in us and there has to be for what’s coming for the rest of the year."

Sources: Irish Times and PA

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