VIDEO: Razor ready to lock horns with 'clever' Rassie

VIDEO: Razor ready to lock horns with 'clever' Rassie

All Black coach Scott Robertson isn’t prepared to get involved in mind games with Springbok rival Rassie Erasmus ahead of the two upcoming Rugby Championship Tests.

After splitting honours one-all with Argentina, New Zealand will travel to South Africa to chase the tournament leaders.

The Springboks completed another bonus point win over the Wallabies and sit top of the table with 10 competition points.

New Zealand bounced back from a rare home-field defeat to Argentina by handing Los Pumas a 32-point defeat at Eden Park in Round Two.

The All Blacks need to win at least one of the two Tests to keep their hopes of a fifth straight SANZAAR title alive.

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“Wouldn’t want to go down [that route] too far, just in case,” Robertson joked about engaging in head games with Erasmus.

“We just play what is in front of us.

"I know Rassie, played against him and he’s one of the personalities of world rugby, isn’t he?

"I enjoy his commentary.

“I bet everyone enjoys a press conference with him.

"Looking forward to locking horns.”

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After coming under criticism for fielding a ‘B team’ against the Wallabies in Perth, Robertson praised the way that South Africa has stuck to a plan to build depth.

The focus on building for World Cups was something Robertson labelled as “smart”.

“The one thing that Rassie and his team has done extremely well is, they’ve built depth over a four-year cycle,” Robertson said.

“If you look, I think it was the first time, the first World Cup, he had lost quite a few chess matches in there but he blooded some great young players that gave them the depth that was required.

“The World Cup squad is so hard to pick, they left some great players out, and that’s where you need to get to.

“So I don’t think it’s brave, it’s just smart to stay the course.

"He did that last weekend, building depth.”


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