SA Rugby: 'We have failed black coaches'

REACTION: South African Rugby President Mark Alexander has made an astonishing admission in the wake of a Black Lives Matter 'uprising' within the domestic game.

Alexander admitted that SA Rugby has 'failed' black coaches in South Africa.

However, he is confident the 'Strategic Transformation Development Plan' will resolve the issue.

Alexander's reaction comes in the wake of a statement by 49 of the country's leading non-white coaches and players - who are up in arms over what they felt were silence on "racism and inequality" in the game.

The group - standing firm as a collective - claims that "job reservation" continues at a senior and strategic level - where white coaches and administrators get preferential treatment.

Alexander admitted it is a Gordian knot of their own making.

"The Springboks proved in 2019 that diversity is a strength of our country and our sport, thanks to a diverse team and management structure," Alexander told @rugby365com, when asked for reaction to the statement of the aggrieved group of 49.

He bluntly admitted there has undoubtedly been a "failure" to provide opportunities for black coaches.

"Although there have been occasions when all four senior national teams have had black coaches, we would agree that the appointment and promotion of black coaches across the board has been inadequate.

"We have publicly expressed our concern about this failing on several occasions in the recent past."

Alexander feels they are now on a strong 'course of correction'.

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"The question is: Ware we doing about it?" he told @rugby365.

"We believe our Strategic Transformation Plan made encouraging strides up to 2019 in transforming playing squads, culminating in the Springboks' World Cup squad.

"The same targets were set for coaches with much less success, we acknowledge.

"That process has been renewed in our Strategic Transformation Development Plan 2030 which charges our members and national structures to accelerate the appointment of black coaches with a target that aims at a minimum target of 60 percent of black coaches across the board by its conclusion.

"To drive that process the Rugby Department had developed a fast track programme for black coaches before COVID-19 struck.

"It will not be allowed to gather dust.

"All our members have signed up to the STDP 2030 plan. It is now up to us to deliver."



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