VIDEO - 'Pick your battles': Bok prop has his say on World Rugby's rule change

REACTION: Springbok prop Wilco Louw said that teams with powerful scrums won't be too discouraged by one of World Rugby's latest law changes.

Last week, it was confirmed that teams will no longer be able to opt for a scrum when awarded a free kick as one of three law changes designed to make Rugby Union more entertaining.

Officials hope removing the scrum as an option will encourage more open play with free kicks having to be either kicked or tapped.

With scrums being one of the Springboks' main weapons as seen during last year's World Cup success, there was a lot of criticism from the South Africa rugby public directed at World Rugby over the decision.

However, Louw said it's about adapting to change and taking full advantage of the opportunities when it arises.

The story continues below...

"There will still be knocks in the game," Louw told reporters on Monday ahead of the Bulls' United Rugby Championship Round 17 clash against Benetton on Saturday.

"They won’t take scrums away completely. That’s only one part they have tried to change.

"But I think there will be more than enough opportunities to make your mark in the scrums.

"The teams won’t have fewer knock-on’s in the game, so there will still be opportunities. You will just have to use the opportunities better.

"Where you could’ve scrummed more and used it more as a weapon, you now have to pick your battles because there will be fewer scrums.

"However, if you use your opportunities, you can still stamp your authority."

Meanwhile, Louw has raised his hand for Springbok selection later this year with a number of strong performances for the Bulls.

He was part of a Springbok alignment camp in Cape Town earlier this year.

"It is always nice to play good rugby for the Bulls and it will always be a big focus point," said Louw.

"It remains any rugby player’s dream to play for the Boks and if that moment ever comes, it will be a huge privilege to play for them again."

On the alignment camp, he added: "There are a few new coaches [Tony Brown and Jerry Flannery] and we met them. We looked at the bigger picture, where we are and where the Springboks want to be.

"We didn’t talk about much else. We just met each other and discussed what the plans are for the year.

"There is still a lot of rugby left to play, but as I said, it will always remain a big dream and a privilege if I get there again.

"If you play good rugby for your union and enjoy it, then the opportunity is there."


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