Boris still ahead

B0ris_the_Spid3r still leads the rugby365 Superbru pool after another tough round.

With a number of tough calls to make once again, competition is fierce at the top of the pool, with Boris holding a one-point klead over second-placed Vlakvark.

The yellow cap this week went to Mr White (we are not sure if it is Jake) who moved up 69 places to crack tenth position.

On the rugby365 side of things it was a rough weekend for Jan de Koning who fell 34 places, but he is still the highest placed writer in 43rd position.

Quintin van Jaarsveld had a better time of it, rising 52 places to 212th and just behind him is Michael de Vries who is languishing down in 221st.

After a late start to the season Darryn Pollock is down in 321st place whilst things are going a bit better for Matthew Riches who rose 31 places to 171st.

Competition details:


Pool name: rugby365

Pool code: tootdhow

rugby365 club:
