Stats summary from 91 matches

The highs, the lows and the middles

Soundsure have sent a summary of the statistics for all 91 matches in the round robin of the Super 14. We shall give just some of them.

We have already give progressive tables for penalties and sanctions (click here) and for tries and kicks (click here).

1. Scrums:

Total for 91 matches: 2 466
Average per match: 27,1
Fewest in a match: 14
Most in a match: 40

2. Scrum resets

Total for 91 matches: 572
Average per match: 6,3
Fewest in a match: 1
Most in a match: 15

3. Scrums lost (wheel or tighthead)

Total for 91 matches: 52
Average per match: 2
Fewest in a match: 0
Most in a match: 3

4. Penalties and free kicks

Total for 91 matches: 1948
Average per match: 21,4
Fewest in a match: 9
Most in a match: 33

5. Line-outs

Total for 91 matches: 2933
Average per match: 32,2
Fewest in a match: 18
Most in a match: 45

6. Tackle/rucks

Total for 91 matches: 12 232
Average per match: 134,4
Fewest in a match: 89
Most in a match: 189

7. Mauls

Total for 91 matches: 1 471
Average per match: 16,2
Fewest in a match: 5
Most in a match: 32

8. Turn-overs at the tackle

Total for 91 matches: 659
Average per match: 7,2
Fewest in a match: 2
Most in a match: 20

9. Kicks

Total for 91 matches: 5 145
Average per match: 56,5
Fewest in a match: 34
Most in a match: 83

10. Incidents of foul play

Total for 91 matches: 276
Average per match: 3
Fewest in a match: 0
Most in a match: 7

11. Incidents of dangerous tackles

Total for 91 matches: 83
Average per match: 0,9
Fewest in a match: 0
Most in a match: 3

12. Injury stoppages

Total for 91 matches: 865
Average per match: 9,5
Fewest in a match: 4
Most in a match: 21

13. Incidents of bleeding

Total for 91 matches: 83
Average per match: 0,9
Fewest in a match: 0
Most in a match: 4

14. Replacements

Total for 91 matches: 856
Average per match: 9,4
Fewest in a match: 1
Most in a match: 15

15. Touch judge reports

Total for 91 matches: 59
Average per match: 0,6
Fewest in a match: 0
Most in a match: 5

16. Sin-binning

Total for 91 matches: 39
Average per match: 0,4
Fewest in a match: 0
Most in a match: 2

17. Tries

Total for 91 matches: 458
Average per match: 5
Fewest in a match: 1
Most in a match: 9

18. Conversions

Total for 91 matches: 334
Average per match: 3,7
Fewest in a match: 1
Most in a match: 8

19. Penalty goals

Total for 91 matches: 402
Average per match: 4,4
Fewest in a match: 0
Most in a match: 10

20. Drop goals

Total for 91 matches: 12
Average per match: 0,1
Fewest in a match: 0
Most in a match: 1