Urgent: Law Change

World Rugby's Council has proclaimed a law change that is to be applied immediately.
The Change concerns Law 9 in the new, 2018, edition of the Laws of the Game. Previously, it had been Law 10, dealing with Foul Play.
World Rugby's proclamation reads:
Acting in accordance with the Bye-Laws and on behalf of Council the World, Rugby Executive Committee have agreed to create a new Law 9.19 for implementation with Immediate effect:
Law 9.19 Acting in accordance with the Bye-Laws and on behalf of Council the World
Rugby Executive Committee have agreed to create a new Law 9.19 for implementation with Immediate effect:
Law 9.19 In open play, any player may lift or support a player from the same team. Players who support or lift a teammate must lower the player to the ground safely as soon as the ball is won by a player of either team.
Sanction: Free-kick
Please note that existing laws 9.19 to 9.25 will be renumbered as laws 9.20 to 9.26.
This is new law.
The renumbered laws deal with dangerous play at the scrum (Law 9.20), dangerous play in a ruck or maul (Law 9.21), retaliation (Law 9.22), the 'cavalry charge' and the 'flying wedge' (Law 9.23), kicking the ball out of the hands of a ball-carrier (Law 9.24) and the hand-off (Law 9.25).