Mailbox: Viva le Bokke!

It seems not even the mother of all hangovers after South Africa's Rugby World Cup victory over England last night could prevent the mails from flooding in - we salute you!

Happy Springbok fans, upset England supporters and Mark Cueto's disallowed try are the main ingredients in the pot as you let us know your thoughts on the game.

On that note, can someone give me a headache tablet please?

"Just a note of appreciation to England. You guys did great! It was anyone's game. When we thumped you 36-0 in the pool game, everyone wrote you off, though a birdie tells me the Boks and Jake White never did. You guys taught the All Blacks and the Wallabies a real lesson in sportsmanship - and isn't sportsmanship ultimately what sports is all about?!

"For years I've liked to believe that what sets rugby union apart from other games like that funny round-ball thingy is that our game is played by true gentlemen, always ready to first praise the opposition rather than yourselves. Thank-you, England, for teaching the world this lesson again and restoring some dignity to the game after the embarrassing self-centred whinge-fest from much of New Zealand and Oz. You English guys have grit, and heart, and commitment, and determination, and tenacity. Oh, and you can think on your feet under great pressure. Those are admirable qualities.

"I and 45 million South Africans salute you, England. Thank you for giving us this game. Thank you for teaching us all again just how this game is really played. True gents, I salute you one and all."

- Arthur Williamson (Johannesburg)

"Even if the try was allowed England would have still have lost as the score would be 13-15. So stop crying over spilt milk. South Africa won and England lost. The best team has won!"

- Jose da Silva

Viva Le Bokke!

- Al

"Aye, did Dickinson give up policing because he was incompetent at that also?

"Nobody in England really doubts we lost to a far superior team. But we didn't do too badly when you consider the make up of the officials.

"Any other team, and that was a try."

- Mark

"Congratulations indeed! Not only to my beloved Springboks, but to a worthy, and gracious, adversary.

"I have not had much good to say about English rugby in the recent past, except that the team of 2003 were (also) more than worthy of their title, but England deserved every bit of the chance they got at defending that title. That it was South Africa who directly impacted their turnaround is no coincidence. It was THAT pool game (I won't quote the score we all know it now, and it is insignificant.) England were tougher than Australia, and more clinical than France, with both opponents playing strategically poorer games. And I'd be so bold as to say had it happened again, the results would not be vastly different...

"Onto South Africa. As your "Then & Now" article showed, this crop of Boks has most of everything. In my humble opinion it is the best Springbok team to grace a World Cup - this team has very few weaknesses (other than a tendency to not always be greater than the sum of their parts, which is a good thing for opposition in my mind!)

"To those saying SA had an "easier route" to the final - what drivel. How are we to blame for other countries poor showings in coming 2nd in their pool and then having to slog it out in the other half of the mix? As Argentina showed, they are right up there with the best anyways, and we drilled them good and solid. The All Blacks - well the less said about them, the better for their rugby - but they had the easiest pool by far (a joke in fact) and look what the first hurdle did to them!

"To the ludicrous politicians in my country, the Blue Bulls detractors of the current set-up (White has a history with the Sharks, notwithstanding his relationship with John Smit) and the generally negative, anti-SA sentiment that abounds locally I say - Jake White got it right. Beat that if you can...

"In summary then, I have struggled to see how South Africa could not win this RWC, and indeed, call it arrogance if you will, it has been prophesied by many, including Mr White. This SA team IS the greatest ever.

"And how I'm loving it!"

- Glen Elferink (Port Elizabeth, South Africa)

"It left a bad taste in my mouth. Not because the Boks won, we made mistakes and they cashed in! But because above everything else, the referees in these tournaments have to be seen to be fair and balanced, and yesterday that wasn't the case.Imagine how disheartening that is for players who put themselves on the line time and again. It makes a mockery of the whole tournament. RFU you need to tighten things up again. This lack of referee awareness should not be happening."

- Sorrel Speller

"Great game, great result."

- M. R. Maclean OBE.


- John

"Seven boring penalties!! Bring back France, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islanders..."

- Bulls

"The SPRINGBOKS were wonderful, bringing back great memories of their 1995 World Cup win. It was great to see Francois Pienaar as a guest commentator on TV. I sure do miss our South African sport, as I now live in Canada."

- Homesick in Canada

"Get over yourselves, Sky Sports reporters. You keep harping on about the 'unprofessional conduct' of the South African sportscasters who cracked open some bubbly to celebrate the Boks' win.

"Talk about sour grapes!

"They were merely basking in their joy and showing some national pride! Are you a little jealous that you can't demonstrate similar exuberance? Try dropping that stiff upper lip some time.

"Way to Go Boks! Way to Go South African sportscasters!"

- Gina

"Well, South Africa deserved the win tonight especially for what they showed along the RWC! Obviously the final couldn't be an interesting rugby-champagne match, but it was a great rugby match!

"All heroes tonight, from Percy Montgomery, to Matfield, from Steyn to captain Smit and from Butch James to the great legend Os Du Randt.

It's time for a shining Rainbow over Paris!

"Finally, I hope for South Africans that this victory could help this Nations to wake up tomorrow more united and proud of everyone!

"Congratulation from an Italian fan!"

- Marco

"Six World Cups. The score is: Southern Hemisphere 5 - Northern Hemisphere 1

"Please take note Stephen Jones the hack journalist."

- Gerry Portegys (New Zealand)

"Final? Dull and stodgy - but at least sanity prevailed. Whilst the ball-running, rugby playing teams went home long ago... South Africa showed that creativity and sublime skill play no part in knock-out rugby and it is a lesson that their Southern Hemisphere neighbors will have to learn.

"As for England, how this bunch of modestly talent, mediocre journeymen made it through to the RWC cup final remains a matter for the IRB to discuss. Rugby need a shot in the arm. Referees must no longer determine the outcome of games, and skill and talent must be rewarded.

"Otherwise. Well done South Africa ... and THANK YOU.

"Born in the cauldron of the Super 14 and Tri-Nations you secure the Southern Hemisphere's 5th (out of 6) RWCs. Shoving it right in the face of the Basil Fawlty-style rugby hacks from the UK.

"Good on you. And we look forward to thumping you in the world's best provincial and International rugby competitions in 2008...maybe..if we're lucky."

- J Lindsay (Japan)

"We are the champions!"

- Edwin

"Great game SOUTH AFRICA. I am French and enjoyed the superb game of the Boks. My wife is also a South African."

- Very happy at home

"Can you imagine if England had won, and the Boks had shunned the Queen (or whomever represented the Crown)? What an outcry there would have been. Well, Wilkinson and quite a few other English players walked past South Africa's President (Thabo Mbeki, in case you don't know who he is) as though he were a ball-boy. Sulky Jonny and co have spoilt my feeling about this final game, and have done England a great disservice.

"One further note; as a South African who has lived in the US for +20 years, and who must purchase pay-per-view live rugby broadcasts, the annoying partisanship of the commentators, endlessly questioning the decisions of the world's best refs, really ruined the games."

- Trevor Greening

"I thought that Alain Rolland's refereeing was absolutely rubbish! He gave everything towards the South Africans! He was really bias! I don't see how Stuart Dickinson did not allow that try by Cueto! It was a fabulous try by Cueto and run by Tait. I reckon we could have won if that try was allowed!"

- Jess Fisher

"Somebody needs to change the referee or give him a pair of glasses."

- Debbie

My blood is green, my heart pure and my team the best.

- Tony Esson

"Congrats Bokke! U r the best players in the world proven! Keep it up!"

- Yasmeen

"Being a very proud England fan and Englishman I wont harp on about refs and tight calls (when will the kiwis stop harping on, be men). Well done SA, well deserved."

- Neil (Retired prop Petts Wood)

"Congratulations to the Springboks, they are a Fantastic Side and have won the World Cup leaving no doubts in any one's mind as to who deserved to be CHAMPIONS!"

- Anthony Stilwell (Lisbon, Portugal - England supporter)

Well done, boys! Last night 30 of us got together and shouted our lungs out.

The passion was as great in the room, a sit was evident on the field. We couldn't be prouder living, in London.... It is great to be champions again!

- Carlos (A Proud South African in London)

As a very patriotic family of Welsh supporters, even we were cheering England on last night and felt the final score denied them the glory they deserved.

Our 2 teenage sons play rugby and the boys were perfect ambassadors for how the game should be played and accepted the defeat with such dignity.

Our hearts went out to Jason Robinson when he left the field - the devastation was written all over his face.

The boys should get the same heroes welcome as they received when they won - it was against all odds they even got to the final and they should all be so proud of what they have acheived.

The whole squad have obviously done something very significant in the last few weeks to be able to turn around their fortunes. How about passing on a few tips to the Welsh camp.

As patriotic as we are, the English camp have definitely got some psychological secrets that have not filtered over the border to those in charge at the WRU.

Well done to you all and good luck to the lads who are retiring.

- Andrea Davies