Five Friday Funnies

We love a laugh or two and want to end off 2011 with a bit of a giggle. So here is your chance to help us out with captions for five of our favourite pictures from the year.

Rather than mourn the disappointments from the year we though it would be more fun to laugh it all off and go into 2012 smiling with a clean slate before the next installment of exciting rugby action.

Help us out with your five caption suggestions for the selected pics and win bragging rights as the blogger with the sharpest wit... and be sure to keep your tongue firmly in your cheek.

Here we go - let's see if you can beat our suggestions:

(1) What did the Big Snor say to the Little Snor?

(2) Okay hands up - which one of you props was standing at flyhalf... again?

(3) It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

(4) Careful you don't accidently get any in your mouth Jamie.

(5) Holding hands? Now that's bromantic!

* Let's hear your captions below - let the games begin...