LSEN Craven Week, Day 1 Results

The Craven week for  Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSEN) started at Olïn Park in Potchefstroom on Monday.

Boland were the team with the biggest win, Valke vs Blue Bulls was the highest scoring and Pumas vs KwaZulu Natal was a match with an extravagant draw.

Results, Day 1

Leopards vs Golden Lions, 22-15

South Western Districts vs Western Province, 26-13

Eastern Province vs Griffons, 18-17

Free State vs Golden Lions EE, 21-15

Boland vs Blue Bulls EE, 41-26

Valke vs Blue Bulls, 35-29

Pumas vs KwaZulu-Natal, 32-32


Fixtures, Day 2

Olin Park

08.30: Golden Lions EE vs Blue Bulls

09.50: Western Province vs Griffons

11.50: Falcons vs Blue Bulls EE

13.40: Eastern Province vs Boland

15.00: South Western Districts vs Free State

Olin Park, B-Field

08.30: Golden Lions vs Pumas

09.50: KwaZulu-Natal vs Leopards