Westville host Glenwood

It's astonishingly early in the season for what is probably the most significant schools match of the season, for in recent times they have been the dominant schools in KwaZulu Natal.

It is a keen rivalry though sometimes overheated. Three times this century, including in 2013, the match has not taken place at all as adults squabble over children's games. Westville won in 2012.

This time there will be 25 rugby matches between the two schools, making it one of the biggest derbies in South African schools. In addition there will be 11 hockey matches between the two boys' schools.

There will be a lot of tension from breakfast to supper on Saturday.

Mercifully, it seems that the rain is stopping this week and Friday and Saturday will be sunny.

Bowdens 1

08.00: 6th XV: Westville vs Glenwood

09.00: 5th XV: Westville vs Glenwood

10.00: 4th XV: Westville vs Glenwood

11.10: Under-16A: Westville vs Glenwood

12.10: 3rd XV: Westville vs Glenwood

13.20: 2nd XV: Westville vs Glenwood

14.40: 1st XV: Westville vs Glenwood

Bowdens 2

07.30: Under-16D: Westville vs Glenwood

08.30: Under-16C: Westville vs Glenwood

09.30: Under-16B: Westville vs Glenwood

10.30: Under-16C: Westville vs Glenwood

11.30: 8th XV: Westville vs Glenwood

12.30; 7th XV: Westville vs Glenwood

Commons 1

08.00: Under-15F: Westville vs Glenwood

09.00: Under-15E: Westville vs Glenwood

10.00: Under-15D: Westville vs Glenwood

11.00: Under-15C: Westville vs Glenwood

12.00: Under-15B: Westville vs Glenwood

13.00: Under-15A: Westville vs Glenwood

Commons 2

08.00: Under-14F: Westville vs Glenwood

09.00: Under-14E: Westville vs Glenwood

10.00: Under-14D: Westville vs Glenwood

11.00: Under-14C: Westville vs Glenwood

12.00: Under-14B: Westville vs Glenwood

13.00: Under-14A: Westville vs Glenwood