The Bulls' possible URC and Currie Cup conundrum

The Bulls' possible URC and Currie Cup conundrum

OPINION: @rugby365com reporter Angus Opperman unpacks the state of the Bulls' Currie Cup season so far and the impact it might have on their URC opening clash.

The Bulls currently top the Currie Cup standings with four wins from four and look well on course to be a title contender this season.

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Their conundrum is that should they advance to the Currie Cup Final, which players will do duty?

The Bulls' URC team have their season opener against their arch-rivals the Stormers on the same day in Cape Town.

The Bulls have acquired some big names in the transfer season such as Boeta Chamberlain and Aphiwe Dyantyi from the Sharks, Nama Xaba from the Stormers, Cobus Wise from Sale Sharks and Sintu Manjezi from Glasgow.

They have all featured in the Currie Cup at least twice so far.

Other names that have played in big URC games for the Bulls are Devon Williams, Sergeal Petersen, Nizaam Carr and Zak Burger to name a few. They have also competed in the 2024 Currie Cup.

There's also the issue of the Rugby Championship that concludes on September 28, which means the Bulls' top-level Springboks will be unavailable as well.

It will be interesting to see whether head coach Phiwe Nomlomo will opt for consistency or bring in fresh faces during the second half of the Currie Cup in order for White to work with some players in the URC squad.

The Bulls in this scenario will have a test of depth as they just fell short in the URC Final and will want to break their duck in Cape Town to start the season off with a win. But in the same breath, they will want to win some silverware on the same day.

The loss of flyhalf Chris Smith might also be a factor and some junior players may need to be called up in this scenario.

Below are two sides who can compete in the potential Currie Cup Final as well as the URC opener on September 21.

Bulls Currie Cup team:

15 Henry Immelman, 14 Sebastian de Klerk, 13 Aphiwe Dyantyi, 12 Chris Barend Smit, 11 Sibongile Novuka, 10 Jaco van der Walt, 9 Bernard van der Linde, 8 Celimpilo Gumede, 7 Merwe Olivier, 6 Nizaam Carr , 5 JF van Heerden, 4 Jannes Kirsten, 3 Francois Klopper, 2 Joe van Zyl, 1 Dylan Smith.

Replacements: 16 Juan Smal, 17 Alulutho Tshakweni, 18 Khutha Mchunu, 19 Abulele Ndabambi, 20 Muller Uys, 21 Keagan Johannes, 22 Liam Koen, 23 Lionel Mapoe.

Bulls URC team to face Stormers:

15 Devon Williams, 14 Sergeal Petersen, 13 David Kriel, 12 Stedman Gans, 11 Stravino Jacobs, 10 Johan Goosen, 9 Embrose Papier, 8 Cameron Hanekom, 7 Reinhardt Ludwig, 6 Marcell Coetzee, 5 Ruan Vermaak , 4 Cobus Wiese, 3 Wilco Louw, 2 Akker van der Merwe, 1 Simphiwe Matanzima.

Replacements: 16 Juann Else, 17 Mornay Smith, 18 Jacques van Rooyen, 19 Sintu Manjezi  , 20 Nama Xaba, 21 Izak Burger, 22 Boeta Chamberlain, 23 Cornal Hendricks.