AUDIO: Plumtree's take on the Kolisi saga
It has been the biggest soap opera of 2024 - Springbok captain Siya Kolisi's potential return to the Stormers.
For the last few weeks, Kolisi has made headlines after various media outlets reported that he is interested in moving back to Cape Town, where he made his professional debut with the Stormers and Western Province in 2012.
Those reports are not far off the mark, as Rugby365com revealed that a few things need to be ironed out before anybody will put pen to paper.
While Red Disa and Roc Nations Sports International both replied with a firm 'no comment' when quizzed about the reports, @rugby365com were able to determine that 'exploratory talks' have been held and are 'progressing positively'.
Kolisi's primary reason for returning to Cape Town is to be closer to his children, who are living with his former wife, Rachel.
The subject of the media narration was again raised after the Stormers beat the Sharks 24-20 in their United Rugby Championship[ Round Nine match in Cape Town at the weekend.
This time Sharks coach John Plumtree was in the media firing line.
(LISTEN as Sharks coach John Plumtree gives his take on the reports that Springbok captain Siya Kolisi is heading back to the Stormers.....)
Plumtree was taken aback that the subject was raised again and said it is not a big issue in their camp.
"It isn't something that we've handled yet," Plumtree said.
"It was a bit of a surprise to me," he added.
"It came about at a time when we were preparing for this [Cape Town] game.
"With me, I separate that type of matter from [match] preparation.
"What matters more to me is the team and not one person's issue, even if it is the captain.
"I just went [and asked him]: 'Are you on board?
"[He said] 'Yes he is'.
"So we decided to get ready for this game.
"We'll deal with that over the next, whatever, I don't know.
"I'm not going to deal with it now."
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