Bulls' rising star in hot water

DISCIPLINARY NEWS: The South African loose forward sensation Cameron Hanekom could miss the Bulls' crucial United Rugby Championship match against Munster on Saturday.

The talented loose forward has been cited following his yellow card during the European Champions Cup match against Northampton Saints on Saturday.

Hanekom was sent to the bin by Mathieu Raynal for a dangerous tackle on Northampton Saints centre Fraser Dingwall in the 49th minute of the quarterfinal match.

The EPCR revealed on Tuesday that Hanekom alleged to have contravened Law 9.18:

A player must not lift an opponent off the ground and drop or drive that player so that their head and/or upper body make contact with the ground.

Under World Rugby’s Sanctions for Foul Play, Law 9.18 carries the following sanction entry points - Low End: 6 weeks; Mid-range: 10 weeks; Top end: 14 to 52 weeks.

Hanekom will face an independent disciplinary hearing on Wednesday.

A ban would certainly be a big blow for the young man and the Bulls.

The 21-year-old, who is Welsh-qualified, has been impressive for the Bulls. He scored the Bulls' first try during the quarterfinal against Saints.

*Meanwhile, Ospreys Tom Botha could miss this weekend's URC match against the Stormers.

Botha has been cited after the Challenge Cup quarterfinal match against Gloucester on Friday.

The EPCR stated that Botha is alleged to have tackled the Gloucester Rugby centre, Seb Atkinson (No 12) in a dangerous manner in the 12th minute of the match in contravention of Law 9.13.

The prop will face an independent disciplinary hearing on Wednesday.

Connacht Darragh Murray is also in hot water after he was cited for a dangerous tackle during the Cllnege Cup quarterfinal against Benetton.

The lock is alleged to have tackled the Benetton Rugby wing, Ignacio Mendy (No 14), in a dangerous manner in the 5th minute of the match in contravention of Law 9.13.

The case will be heard by an independent Judicial Officer, Gareth Graham (England), on a papers only basis as soon as practicable.

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