Injured Bok star to see orthopaedic specialist

UPDATE: The Sharks are continuing to count the cost of their heartbreaking loss to the Stormers in a United Rugby Championship encounter this past weekend.

Replacement Jean-Luc du Plessis charged over from close range as the Stormers snatched a 24-20 win in their Round Nine match.

While it was a costly loss, it is an injury list growing at an alarming rate that caused the biggest concern.

Sharks coach John Plumtree on Tuesday gave an update on some of the more serious cases.

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Fullback Aphelele Fassi has had scans done and will see an orthopaedic specialist in Durban for his ankle injury, which is the main concern.

The timeline for his injury lay-off has not been established.

Lock Emile van Heerden, who left the field in the 15th minute with a knee problem has also undergone a scan.

"He will see a specialist when he is back in Durban," a statement from the coach said.

"We are not sure of the exact timelines regarding his injury."

Seasoned Bok centre Andre Esterhuizen - like Fassi - left the field in the 47th minute and also underwent a scan.

"We hoping he won't require surgery," Plumtree said, adding: "It looks like he will be sidelined for between four to six weeks.

"However he will be seeing a specialist for further update on his injury."

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Plumtree also gave an update on some of the high-profile players who missed the trip to Cape Town as a result of injury.

Bongi Mbonambi will undergo an x-ray later in the week to ensure his hand has healed properly and is functional.

"We are confident that he should be okay for the [Champions Cup Round Three] clash against Toulouse [at Kings Park on January 11]."

Bok lock Eben Etzebeth has one more HIA (return to play protocol) test to do for the concussion symptoms.

His back and shoulder issues also appear to have been cleared up.

"He should be available to face Toulouse."

Centre Lukhanyo Am will undergo a functional test and X-ray to determine if his injury has healed significantly.

Vincent Tshituka is continuing his treatment this week and a fitness test will be done on Friday to see where he is at in terms of his injury.

James Venter will also undergo a fitness test later in the week to determine where he is at in terms of his recovery.

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