Section Paloise send warning to Challenge Cup rivals

MATCH REPORT: Section Paloise issued a warning to their Challenge Cup rivals with a 32-19 triumph over Newcastle Falcons in a Round One, Pool Two, encounter at Stade du Hameau, in Pau, on Sunday.

The bonus-point win - four tries to three - saw the French outfit join Ospreys at the top of the pool standings.

[rp-comp-table data="eyJjb21wIjoiMjQzIiwiZ3JvdXBzIjpbIlBvb2wgMSIsIlBvb2wgMiIsIlBvb2wgMyJdLCJzdGFuZGluZ3MiOlt7InIiOjEsInQiOjUsImkiOjM0MDAsInAiOjEsInciOjEsImwiOjAsImQiOjAsImciOiJQb29sIDEifSx7InIiOjIsInQiOjUsImkiOjQ1LCJwIjoxLCJ3IjoxLCJsIjowLCJkIjowLCJnIjoiUG9vbCAxIn0seyJyIjozLCJ0IjoyLCJpIjo3NCwicCI6MSwidyI6MCwibCI6MCwiZCI6MSwiZyI6IlBvb2wgMSJ9LHsiciI6NCwidCI6MiwiaSI6MTY1MCwicCI6MSwidyI6MCwibCI6MCwiZCI6MSwiZyI6IlBvb2wgMSJ9LHsiciI6NSwidCI6MSwiaSI6MjIwMCwicCI6MSwidyI6MCwibCI6MSwiZCI6MCwiZyI6IlBvb2wgMSJ9LHsiciI6NiwidCI6MCwiaSI6MTA2NTAsInAiOjEsInciOjAsImwiOjEsImQiOjAsImciOiJQb29sIDEifSx7InIiOjEsInQiOjUsImkiOjMyNTAsInAiOjEsInciOjEsImwiOjAsImQiOjAsImciOiJQb29sIDIifSx7InIiOjIsInQiOjUsImkiOjM0NTAsInAiOjEsInciOjEsImwiOjAsImQiOjAsImciOiJQb29sIDIifSx7InIiOjMsInQiOjQsImkiOjQ5NTAsInAiOjEsInciOjEsImwiOjAsImQiOjAsImciOiJQb29sIDIifSx7InIiOjQsInQiOjEsImkiOjMxMDAsInAiOjEsInciOjAsImwiOjEsImQiOjAsImciOiJQb29sIDIifSx7InIiOjUsInQiOjAsImkiOjEzNTAsInAiOjEsInciOjAsImwiOjEsImQiOjAsImciOiJQb29sIDIifSx7InIiOjYsInQiOjAsImkiOjYzLCJwIjoxLCJ3IjowLCJsIjoxLCJkIjowLCJnIjoiUG9vbCAyIn0seyJyIjoxLCJ0Ijo0LCJpIjoxMTAwLCJwIjoxLCJ3IjoxLCJsIjowLCJkIjowLCJnIjoiUG9vbCAzIn0seyJyIjoyLCJ0Ijo0LCJpIjozMDI5NywicCI6MSwidyI6MSwibCI6MCwiZCI6MCwiZyI6IlBvb2wgMyJ9LHsiciI6MywidCI6NCwiaSI6NDg1MCwicCI6MSwidyI6MSwibCI6MCwiZCI6MCwiZyI6IlBvb2wgMyJ9LHsiciI6NCwidCI6MSwiaSI6MTcwMCwicCI6MSwidyI6MCwibCI6MSwiZCI6MCwiZyI6IlBvb2wgMyJ9LHsiciI6NSwidCI6MSwiaSI6NDM1LCJwIjoxLCJ3IjowLCJsIjoxLCJkIjowLCJnIjoiUG9vbCAzIn0seyJyIjo2LCJ0IjoxLCJpIjoxOTUwLCJwIjoxLCJ3IjowLCJsIjoxLCJkIjowLCJnIjoiUG9vbCAzIn1dLCJpc0NvbmZlcmVuY2UiOjF9"][/rp-comp-table]

Pau made use of their home advantage within the first 10 minutes when Axel Desperes touched home.

Newcastle Falcons hit straight back through Ollie Fletcher but a determined Aaron Grandidier Nkanang responded minutes later.

Desperes hadn't finished with his contributions though and he touched down for his double before half-time - the French side leading their English rivals 11-7 at the break.

It was a back-and-forth start to the second period with the Falcons coming out of the dressing room firing first after an Ollie Fletcher try on 43 minutes.

That lead did not last long as Pau responded through Jimi Maximin.

But the away side were right on their tails through Freddie Lockwood.

Youri Delhommel then added to Section Paloise’s joys just past the hour mark before Elliott Roudil sealed the deal late on to put breathing space between the two sides.

The scorers

For Section Paloise

Tries: Grandidier Nkanang, Maximin, Delhommel, Roudil

Cons: Desperes 3

Pens: Desperes 2

For Newcastle Falcons

Tries: Fletcher 2, Lockwood

Cons: Wilkinson, Connon


Section Paloise: 15 Clément Mondinat, 14 Aaron Grandidier Nkanang, 13 Olivier Klemenczak, 12 Eliott Roudil (captain), 11 Gregoire Arfeuil, 10 Axel Desperes, 9 Thomas Souverbie, 8 Thibaut Hamonou, 7 Reece Hewat, 6 Mehdi Tlili, 5 Jimi Maximin, 4 Thomas Jolmes, 3 Jon Zabala Arrieta, 2 Dan Jooste, 1 Remi Seneca.

Replacements: 16 Youri Delhommel, 17 Daniel Bibi Biziwu, 18 Guram Papidze, 19 Hugo Auradou, 20 Lekima Tagitagivalu, 21 Thibault Daubagna, 22 Nathan Decron, 23 Aymeric Luc.

Newcastle Falcons: 15 Ben Redshaw, 14 Adam Radwan, 13 Alex Hearle, 12 Cameron Hutchison, 11 Ben Stevenson, 10 Kieran Wilkinson, 9 Max Pepper, 8 Callum Chick (captain), 7 Tom Gordon, 6 Freddie Lockwood, 5 Kiran McDonald Seran, 4 Sebastian de Chaves, 3 Richard Palframan, 2 Ollie Fletcher, 1 Murray McCallum.

Replacements: 16 Bryan Byrne, 17 Mike Rewcastle, 18 Callum Hancock, 19 Finn Baker, 20 Ollie Leatherbarrow, 21 Hugh O’Sullivan, 22 Brett Connon, 23 Oli Spencer.

Referee: Ben Breakspear

Assistant referees: Mathew Leon, Mike English

TMO: Tom Spurrier

Source: Section Paloise