Newcastle’s Clever backs Move Like A Pro

Clever, the first American to play in Super Rugby and a former captain of the USA Eagles, has enjoyed a long career and played rugby all over the world, but as he looks to extend his time in professional English rugby he concedes his body has become a temple now more than ever.


And with Premiership Rugby’s ‘Move Like a Pro' initiative aiming to help men all over the country get fitter, Clever is also turning his attention to the fans during the new free 12-week fitness programme.


Kicking off in April, Bath, Newcastle Falcons, Northampton Saints, Saracens and Wasps will be running ‘Move Like a Pro’ as an online course, but also giving fans the chance to train at their local clubs in sessions run by clubs’ own training staff.


Clever admits he cannot wait to help Premiership Rugby’s loyal fans get fitter, healthier and improve their state of mind.    


“I think it’s a great initiative that sends a really positive message,” he said. “I’m really big on goal setting and challenging myself to be fitter and healthier through short and long term goals, and I’d encourage fans to use this programme to help them do that.


“They can challenge themselves through the programme and the online materials to take a small amount of time to hopefully pursue living a healthier and happier lifestyle.”


Sarah Coghlan, County Director UK at Movember Foundation, says this is just the beginning of a flourishing partnership with Premiership Rugby.

“Premiership Rugby and the Movember Foundation have a longstanding history; players and fans bring so much energy to the sport, and they have also embraced Movember with a similar passion. The rugby community has raised masses of funds and awareness for men’s health over the years, and we look forward to them enjoying and benefitting from this exciting new programme” she said.

“Together we want to get rugby fans moving and affect positive change on the health of rugby fans to inspire a legacy of long-term change across the rugby fan community.”

Move Like a Pro is a partnership between Premiership Rugby and the Movember Foundation to inspire a legacy of long-term lifestyle change across the rugby fan community.