McCloskey cops four-week ban

Ulster centre, Stuart McCloskey has been banned for four-weeks following for a red card he received in a Pro12 match against Edinburgh on February 20.

McCloskey was cited under Law 10.4(j) – Lifting a player from the ground and dropping or driving that player into the ground whilst that player's feet are still off the ground such that the player's head and/or upper body come into contact with the ground is dangerous play.

The Disciplinary Committee, chaired by Simon Thomas, along with Rhian Williams and Aurwel Morgan (all from Wales), having listened to representations by and on behalf of the player, viewed TV footage of the incident and asked questions of the referee, found that Stuart McCloskey had committed an act of foul play worthy of the red card and considered it to be at the low end of World Rugby's sanctions for this type of offence, carrying an entry-point of 4 weeks.

The Committee added one week to reflect the need for a deterrent for this type of offence but reduced it by one week having noted the player's previous unblemished record, among other mitigating factors.

The centre tackled of an opponent and raised him to a vertical position in the process of clearing him from a ruck. The suspension is in effect until midnight on Sunday, March 29, taking into account a "down” week and has the right of appeal.