Toulouse flatten Toulon to go top of Top 14

MATCH REPORT: Italy wing Ange Capuozzo bagged a hat-trick of tries as Toulouse moved back to the top of the Top 14 with a 57-5 demolition of Toulon on Sunday.

Toulouse ran in eight tries to one with Argentine flyhalf Juan Cruz Mallia and France flank Anthony Jelonch both dotting twice.

Josh Brennan completed the bonus point victory that takes Toulouse to 29 points, one clear of Bordeaux-Begles who beat Pau on Saturday.

Italian hooker Gianmarco Lucchesi scored for Toulon but it was scant consolation for a team that lies fifth in the table with hopes of challenging the French and Champions Cup title holders at the back end of the season.

Playing in front of a 34,000-sell out at the Toulouse Stadium, home of the city's Ligue 1 football team, Toulouse turned on a blistering performance as they gave a final run to their stars, including Antoine Dupont, who will join the national side for the November internationals and miss next week's trip to Bayonne.

It took until the 19th minute for Toulouse to breach the Toulon defence, Mallia the opportunist after the forwards had been pounding at the line.

Nine minutes later Capuozzo scuttled through on the right and with fullback Thomas Ramos converting one and adding a penalty Toulouse were 15-0 up.

Toulon hit back through Lucchesi to make it 15-5 at the break.

From the restart, however, Toulouse were again on the front foot and blew Toulon off the park, a sweeping move feeding Capuozzo on the right who hit the accelerator for his second try.

Two tries for Jelonch and another for Mallia followed as Toulouse pulled away to 43-5.

Toulouse continued to turn the screw with Capuozzo completing his hat-trick five minutes from the end.

Brennan, son of former Ireland international Trevor Brennan and playing against his brother Dan, celebrated his call-up during the week to France's 42-man squad for the November Tests by going over in the final minute to complete the rout.

Struggling 14-time champions Stade Francais moved off the bottom of the table by easing past Clermont 36-6 on Saturday while Owen Farrell's first try for Racing 92 led the Parisians to a 30-23 win over Perpignan.

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