Trio's last dance in the Park

TEAM ANNOUNCEMENT: Three players could be making their last appearances in Lions colours at Ellis Park, when the Johannesburg-based franchise face the table-topping Glasgow Warriors in a United Rugby Championship face-off on Saturday.

It is the penultimate round of the URC and the Lions, in 10th place, have an outside chance of sneaking into the top eight.

However, they can finish fifth, at best, if several results go their way.

It means it is the Lions' last home game of the season.

Starting lock Willem Alberts will retire at the end of the season and make his final appearance at the Lions' Den.

Sharks-bound Emmanuel Tshituka starts at blindside flank in one of four changes to the starting XV from the side that beat Cardiff last week.

He will be joined in Durban by utility back Jordan Hendrikse, playing off the bench on Saturday.

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Gianni Lombard will start at flyhalf, after a long stretch disrupted by injuries.

Lombard and right wing Sibahle Maxwane have replaced Sanele Nohamba and David Kriel, respectively.

Nohamba will join Hendrikse on a bench that features just two backline replacements.

The last change sees Morgan Naudé at loosehead prop in place of Springbok Ruan Dreyer.

Lions: 15 Quan Horn, 14 Sibahle Maxwane, 13 Erich Cronje, 12 Marius Louw (captain), 11 Edwill van der Merwe, 10 Gianni Lombard, 9 Morné van den Berg, 8 Francke Horn, 7 Emmanuel Tshituka, 6 JC Pretorius, 5 Ruan Delport, 4 Willem Alberts, 3 Asenathi Ntlabakanye, 2 PJ Botha, 1 Morgan Naudé.

Replacements: 16 Jaco Visagie, 17 JP Smith, 18 Ruan Dreyer, 19 Reinhard Nothnagel, 20 Ruan Venter, 21 Hanru Sirgel, 22 Sanele Nohamba, 23 Jordan Hendrikse.

Date: Saturday, May 18

Venue: Ellis Park, Johannesburg

Kick-off: 16.05 (15.05 Ireland & UK time; 14.05 GMT)

Referee: Craig Evans (Wales)

Assistant referees: Morné Ferreira (South Africa) and Hanru Van Rooyen (South Africa)

TMO: Ben Whitehouse (Wales)

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