VIDEO: An alarming trend is emerging on tour for Bulls

SPOTLIGHT: Bulls Director of Rugby Jake White says his team will need to develop a killer instinct if they want to end their tour with a win against Benetton in Treviso.

After starting their three-match tour with a 29-19 win over the Ospreys, the Bulls suffered their first defeat of the season when they went down 22-23 to the Scarlets in Llanelli on Friday.

In both matches, the Bulls could only add three points to their tally in the second half.

They also had a player sent off in those matches, but it does not take away from the fact they seem a bit rudderless on the field in the second 40.

With Benetton riding a wave of momentum after wins against the Sharks and the Dragons, the Bulls will be under pressure to deliver an 80-minute performance in Treviso.

The story continues below...

"Now we need to play well against Benetton," said White after his team's defeat in Llanelli.

"Now it's a question of being a little bit more desperate, a bit more clinical and having a bit more understanding on where we've got it wrong."

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White added: "It is not a 'concern'. That's not a word that I use.

"It is a trend that we've got to try and change.

"It's something that is catching us because we start well and put teams under the pump and then when we've got our hands on their throat, we just let them get out.

"It's all about learning and all about growing.

"In the last four years, no team has been unbeaten in the competition, so it just shows you how tough it is to win week in and week out."


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