VIDEO - 'Put them all on': Stormers get a nice selection headache

SPOTLIGHT: The Stormes are getting more firepower back as they prepare to face Glasgow Warriors in Stellenbosch in Round Six of the United Rugby Championship.

Flyhalf Manie Libbok and prop Frans Malherbe are both set to get some game time against the reigning URC champions ahead of South Africa's end-of-year tour to the UK.

The Stormers are also positive about Damian Willemse and Warrick Gelant's participation in that match at the Danie Craven Stadium after they suffered "knocks" in the win over Munster.

Willemse, who produced a man-of-the-match performance in that match, went down after he suffered a knock to his pec, but he continued playing.

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"We had a lot of meetings and recovery [sessions], so we haven’t trained yet, but at the moment all those players are available to train," Stormers forwards coach Rito Hlungwani told reporters on Monday.

He added: "From the weekend, the only guy who is not available to train is Sti [Sithole], but the rest of the guys came through the game nicely."

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With Libbok available, the Stormers will have some nice selection headaches ahead of that clash against Glasgow.

"As you know I'm the forwards coach, so I don’t select the backs," Hlungwani said with a smile.

"But I will just tell [backline coach] Dawie Snyman to put all of them on the field.

"They will figure it out."

Hlungwani said the goal was clear when it came to decisions around selections.

"We do want to build that continuity and we want to make sure that those combinations are coming nicely together," said the coach.

"In saying that, there are certain positions where we feel we might need a small adjustment, but the overall picture is for us to build that cohesion."


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