VIDEO: Roos puts 'another arrow' in his quiver ahead of Test season

SPOTLIGHT: Stormers star Evan Roos said he has broadened his knowledge of the game by playing in different positions in the back row for the Stormers this season.

The 24-year-old was a star performer in his side's 29-24 victory over the Lions at Cape Town Stadium last weekend.

Roos, who is normally a No.8, played in the No.6 jersey on Saturday which was another example of his versatility across the back row.

"Wherever Dobbo [Director of Rugby John Dobson] and the team need me I will fill in. I think every player has that mentality," said Roos.

"The positive of that is that you start to develop new skills in different positions.

"Playing No.6, No.7 and No.8 this season, it's lekker to have that versatility and it puts another arrow in your arsenal."

Roos added: "It has been great playing all three loose forward positions.

"It broadens your expertise and you learn new things, but luckily the difference between No.6 and No.8 is not too much.

"It's the same type of role within the team and the only one that is a little bit different is No.7.

"I'm grateful to have a little bit of that skills needed wherever I play."

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Roos also believes that he has matured when it comes to his temperament on the field.

"When you are young you want to prove yourself.

"I've chatted to the coaches and a few experienced players, and you don’t want to intimidate someone by pushing them around. You are just there to do your job.

"We want to make Cape Town smile and we don’t want to be branded as bullies.

"Obviously when you play rugby it's 80 minutes of violence and chaos, but it is a gentleman's game and I've really tried to implement that.

"I want to make the coaches, the union, my family and friends proud.

"It is not nice to see that [off-the-ball stuff] on the field and you are representing more than yourself, so it is just a greater responsibility."

With Duane Vermeulen retired and Jasper Wiese suspended for the upcoming Tests, Roos is tipped by many to feature in the Bok No.8 jersey.

However, he is focussed on the job at hand which is a United Rugby Championship quarterfinal against Glasgow Warriors in Scotland.

"Those things [Bok selection] will take care of itself and it's a dream of any South African rugby player.

"I've come to learn that those things will come when it's supposed to come.

"My first priority is to train and get on a plane and do our best job this weekend."


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