VIDEO - 'We are in trouble': Dobson reveals Stormers' loosehead crisis

REACTION: Stormers head coach John Dobson confirmed that his team will be in the market for a loosehead prop in the coming days.

Injuries have decimated the Capetonians' depth in that position and things were compounded when replacement prop Lizo Gqoboka suffered an ankle injury in the second half of his team's 43-21 win over Edinburgh on Saturday.

Gqoboka came on for the 39-year-old Brok Harris, but he lasted for just a few minutes before Harris had to return to the field.

With Ulster (URC) and La Rochelle (Champions Cup Round of 16) heading to Cape Town, the Stormers are now in a race against time to provide Harris with some backup in the coming weeks.

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"That is now a crisis, to be honest," Dobson told reporters after Saturday's match.

"Lizo rolled his ankle and with scrumming pressure, rolled ankles are quite significant.

"So, that is Lizo, Sti [Sithole], Ali [Vermaak], Leon Lyons and Kwenzo [Blose] out now.

"We are going to have to get somebody in otherwise we won’t be compliant for next week [against Ulster]."

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Dobson revealed that he tried to get a former Stormer on loan from the Cheetahs, but it could not happen due to the Bloemfontein side's development partnership with Ospreys.

"I suppose we could find some Georgian," Dobson joked.

He added: "We are in trouble and that is the truth. It will be someone in South Africa.

"We can't borrow from the Cheetahs because they fulfilled their loan quota. We thought we could get Schalk Ferreira.

"It would be quite funny if Brok was substituted by an older player.

"We wanted Schalk because he is an old Stormer, but they have already fulfilled the loan quota with Ospreys.

"We are going to need somebody in on Monday."


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